In today’s post we will show you some home décor ideas to grow indoor plants using led strip grow light. How to install this grow light led script and more.   I am sure, most of us would love to grow plants indoors whether it’s for aesthetics reasons like home décor or whatever. We face many challenges in growing plants indoors. The single most important challenge is lack of sunlight. There is a minimum requirement of light for every plant, lack of which can seriously damage or even kill the plant. Not every house or apartment is blessed with enough sunlight. So what’s the solution? Many of us keep plants indoors and do all the hard work of shifting them outside in full sunlight once or twice a week to keep them alive. This is quite a cumbersome job. The best solution is to provide artificial grow lights so that the plants can continue their photosynthesis. A small grow light which somehow resembles sunlight will do just fine.

Now let us now install a grow light for our indoor plants. Grow lights are not expensive now a days. You get simple grow light bulbs for smaller plants, full spectrum grow light panels which even support flowering and fruiting. I have shown them all in my earlier episodes on indoor gardening.

Now, coming to this led grow light strip. This is a good option for certain areas in your home and add to the beauty of your home interiors. These led strips come in various lengths like in meters. Depending on the requirement you can order these grow light strips from amazon or any other reliable shopping website. These are waterproof strips and come with a sticker at the back surface.  You can see this partition panel and I have created these two compartments for indoor plants. I have done wiring from inside for power supply.  The most elegant way to install these led strips is to use these aluminum profile light channels which again come in various sizes. Here I am using 17mm channels. You need to cut a groove for this 17 mm channel.

Now let us first assemble these led light strips. You can measure the length of the strip needed and how many strips you require and make a cut at this point marked on the strip. This not rocket science. Its simple DIY thing. If you want to join two strips together, you can use these connectors of proper sizes to hook in the ends of the strips. Or you can just solder wires to the ends. Make sure you have a color coding for positive and negative terminal and not to reverse the polarity. It’s clearly marked on the strip. 

Buy This Strip

Depending on the specifications of your strip, you need to provide proper power supply, like in this case its 5 volts power needed for this strip for which you can connect it to any mobile charger or a socket with USB charging facility which has 5 volts supply. You can solder or join the wires from any USB cable to this led strip. Then you can stick the strip to the aluminum channel and fix the channel to your plant compartment area. That’s it. You can power these on for 10 to 12 hours a day depending on the plant you are growing under it. Make sure the distance of plant is not too much from light source.

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