In today’s post, let us quickly look into Five Most important spring season gardening tips and tasks to perform which can be really beneficial for your garden.

Plants can sense changes in the seasons. For example, in the fall, when the days start to get shorter, the trees sense that there is less sunlight. The plant is stimulated, and it sends messages telling the leaves to change colors and fall off and plants then go into dormancy. This is an example of photoperiodism, the reaction of plants, to the length of day or night.

Well, Spring is the most active and most important season for gardening. Plants wake up from their sleeping period that is the dormancy or inactive period of winter. Applying these Five steps and tips just before they start their active period really makes a lot of difference and helps them grow and yield better in the coming days.

5: CLEAN UP YOUR GARDEN : This should be your first task, especially if you do not do this regularly. You may see a lot of debris like fallen leaves, twigs, dirt and other garbage. This should be done first because neat and clean garden makes a perfect scene.

4:  WEED REMOVAL: Early Spring weeds can be a nuisance. They can be a real problem and steal your plants nutrients from soil and can result in stunted growth of your plants. Head out into the garden and start pulling those weeds. Make sure you pluck them at the root level. This is really important to stop them from growing back again. Use different weed removal garden tools depending on the size of your garden.  

3: FERTILIZERS AND SOIL PREPARATION: Winter season can make your soil hard and compact. You need not repot your plants completely into a fresh new potting mix. Just till the top 1 or 2 inches of soil carefully without damaging your plant roots. Then, You can apply fertilizer over this or remove this soil if it’s too compact or if it’s not much compacted, then remove this soil and mix it with compost like decomposed cow dung powder or vermicompost – one or two handfuls of it depending on the size of your container or the plant. Mix it thoroughly with this top soil and add it back to the plant. Well, this is a one time task to improvise the top soil.
Then regarding fertilizing your plants, Make sure you add at least one handful of compost like decomposed cow or horse dung or vermicompost per plant atleast once every 15 days. Spring season is the most important time the growth of your plant picks up, and fertilizing your plants is really important at this stage.

2: PRUNING – That’s trimming or cutting your plant branches. For most summer plants this is the best time to prune them, even hard pruning your older plants can be done at this time.  Pruning encourages the plants to grow well and makes them bushy as the plant grows. You can check a detailed post on how to prune, types of pruning with important concepts of pruning.

1: START PLANTING NEW SEEDS OR PLANTS: Depending on the zone your live, you can start sowing your seeds like – summer vegetables or flowering plants for summer in this season.

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